Apam Balik : Turnover Pancake

The Large or Thick Crusted Apam Balik
Apam Balik - in direct translation means Turnover Pancake or Pancake Foldover is a local street food that you can find almost anywhere in Malaysia. Its also know by other names ; Ban Jian Kuih, Chin Loong Pau, Martabak Manis, Terang Bulan, Apam Pulau Pinang or Kuih Haji. You can find Apam Balik in almost any Night Markets, roadside stalls and from motorbikes with a mobile stall - mobile stall if you will.

The special Griddle to make Apam Balik

Besides Malaysia, you can fins this popular street food in Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei and Thailand. With their own variation and touch. In Malaysia, you can find 2 types of Apam Bali, The Large and Thick ones (there also large thisn crust ones , super crispy) and the small and thin crust.

Thin Crusted Apam Balik

Apam Balik's batter is made from flour, sugar, baking powder, bicarbonate soda, eggs, water and butter. The traditional filling of Apam Balik consist of grounf peanuts, sugar and sweet cream corn, off course you can find other fillings such as Nutella, Strawberry Jam and banana now.

The origin of the Apam Balik is yet to confirmed, whilst some claims that is a Peranakan dish and some to be East Malaysian, one thing that all of us can agree is, Apam Balik is definitely of the best Street food you can find in Malaysia.